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国标泡沫灭火产品 采购优质泡沫液泡沫罐

2019/12/21 0:34:12发布135次查看

移动式泡沫灭火装置 半固定式泡沫灭火装置 推车式泡沫灭火装置 泡沫灭火装置 泡沫灭火系统装置主要由泡沫液储罐、喷枪、比例混合器、水带、及推车底盘等构成,它是一种新型环保高效性泡沫灭火装置,其操作迅速简便、可靠性强。在火灾发生初期时,机动、灵活地推动该装置到灭火现场进行灭火。本装置可独立作为消防器材,也可配合大型固定式泡沫灭火系统起辅助补救作用。东岳消防吸取国内外泡沫灭火设备技术,根据市场需求自主设计研发而成,性能稳定,价格合理,东岳消防是您正确选择。
移动式泡沫灭火装置工作原理 移动式泡沫灭火装置在灭火时其管线式比例混合器的两端的管牙接口与消防水带连接,并连接压力水源,当有不低于0.6mpa压力的水以很高的速度流过比例混合器的喷嘴时,由于射流质点的横向移动的扩散作用,比例混合器的室内形成真空(负压),于是泡沫液储罐内的泡沫液在大气的压力作用下通过吸液管进入混合器,与压力水混合,最终达到一定比例的混合液。当具有一定压力的混合液流到喷枪时,因为喷枪的性能会吸入一定量的空气。使泡沫混合液发泡。从而达到泡沫灭火的效果。
一 使用燃气时应注意什么
二 使用电器时应注意什么1、熨烫衣物时要养成人离开,拔插头断掉电源的习惯,暂时不用熨斗应将其竖放。用完后,要及时将电源切断,底板温度冷却后,将其放在干燥处保存。2、电视机收看不宜过长。看完后应关闭开关,同时切断电源。雷雨天气禁止使用屋顶室外天线收看电视节目,防止把雷电引入室内击毁电视引起火灾。3、电风扇连续使用时间不要太长,人若离家外出,必须关闭开关,在使用当中停电时,也应关闭开关。在运行中如果突然有烧焦的气味或冒出黑烟时,必须立即拔掉插头。
our home is a warm haven, but also the eternal post. but the fire always threaten the safety of our lives, in order to avoid harm or give us, so we have to learn some more home fire safety, fire coming is flexible and rapid implementation of proper fire safety measures at home. home fire safety tips big as follows: the use of gas should pay attention to what 1, after replacing the gas tank before use to do a check to see whether the leakage phenomenon, with special food or soap and water applied to the valve, the gas pipeline on inspection. 2, if found leakage, should take immediate measures. it is to close the valve, open windows and doors, ventilation, then do not let a little fire in the room, you can not switch to switch electrical connection in the room or playing. 3, no matter what kind of gas stoves, use must not be left unattended, first, to prevent overflow of water cooker, soup put out the fire, resulting in leakage; second is to prevent burning griddle and fire. two when using electrical appliances pay attention to what 1, when ironing clothes to develop people to leave, pull the plug cut off the power of habit, temporarily do not iron it should be upright. after use, to promptly cut off the power supply, the temperature of the cooling plate, which was placed in a dry place. 2, watch tv not too long. after reading the switch should be closed, while cutting off the power supply. thunderstorms prohibit the use of rooftop outdoor antenna to watch tv programs, to prevent the introduction of indoor lightning caused fire destroyed the television. 3, fan continuous use time not too long, if the person away from home, must be turned off, power outage in use, the switch should be turned off. in operation, if suddenly there is a burning smell or black smoke, you must immediately pull the plug.

qq: 540165744


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